Occupational Therapist, Case Manager,
and Registered Manager
Sally qualified as an Occupational Therapist in 2004, and began her career in the NHS. She initially worked in Paediatrics, working with school aged children, with varying and complex physical disabilities. She then spent 2 years working in Community Equipment and Adaptations, Stroke Rehabilitation and Intermediate Care before returning to Paediatrics in 2008.
From 2008, Sally worked with children and young people aged 0-25, specifically with complex neurological conditions. She gained extensive experience of assessing the needs of young people and their families, planning, implementing and reviewing therapeutic interventions, and arranging provision of equipment and adaptations.
Sally began her career in case management in July 2015, working in the children and young people’s team at Northern Case Management. Sally continued to practice as an OT and held a mixed caseload of settled and pre-litigation case management cases, progressing to Advanced BABICM Case Manager in 2018. Sally also became CQC Registered Manager in April 2018, being responsible for quality and compliance across the company, achieving good in all areas during inspection.
In April 2021, with 6 years’ experience of providing reputable case management and OT services, Sally established Rebuild 4 Life Ltd. Sally will continue to provide case management and occupational therapy services to the highest standard, and will continue to be responsible for quality control and ensuring compliance with the CQC standards.
Sally has experience of the full Case Management process from Initial Needs Assessment, through planning and implementation, to review and evaluation of goals and interventions. As an OT, she specialises in assessment and recommendation of equipment and adaptations, and providing packages of rehabilitative care.
Sally’s role includes instructing and co-ordinating the multi-disciplinary team and ensuring that each team member is working towards collaboratively set client centred goals. She liaises with colleagues in the health and education sectors, social care, as well as communicating with Financial Deputies.
Sally has a wealth of experience in supporting clients and their families to recruit and select care and support teams, and managing packages of care including risk assessments, care plans, and ongoing learning and development of the care team. She is experienced in aspects of HR including managing sickness absence, disciplinaries and grievances. Sally is also qualified and accredited to carry out manual handling assessments and training.
Sally works closely with Finance Deputies, to facilitate financial planning and budgeting. She also has experience of securing statutory services support and funding on behalf of her clients.
Sally support Clients through the litigation process of medical negligence and personal injury claims. She has experience of attending appointments with Expert Witnesses, and conferences with Counsel, including preparation of reports and witness statements to support and justify Client need and interventions.
Expert Witness work is of interest to Sally and she is due to commence the Bond Salon training later this year.
Professional Qualifications
Occupational Therapy BSc (Hons) 2:1
Membership of Professional Bodies
Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)
College of Occupational Therapists (BAOT)
RCOT Specialist Section – Children, Young People and Families
RCOT Specialist Section – Independent Practice
British Association of Brain Injury Case Managers (Advanced Member 3558)
Skills for Care – Registered Manager Membership
Postgraduate Qualifications and Training
2019/2022 - Mandatory Training for health and social care - in line with Skills for Care including Safeguarding Adults and Children, First Aid and Basic Life Support, Health and Safety, Equality and Diversity, Communication, Manual Handling (Careskills Academy / E-Learning for Health)
2022 – Complex Care Awareness inc. Tracheostomy Care, PEG Care, Oxygen and basic observations (E-Learning for Health)
2021 – Train the Trainer Manual Handling (The Health and Safety Group)
2021 - Managing medicines for adults receiving social care in the community (E-Learning for Health)
2021 – Complaints Handling
2020 – UK FIM & FAM Training, Supervision Rating Scale, Northwick Park Dependency Score (Training in Mandatory Assessments for care and case management)
2018/2021 - Mandatory Training for health and social care - in line with Skills for Care including Safeguarding Adults and Children, First Aid and Basic Life Support, Health and Safety, Manual Handling
2018 – CBIT Medicolegal Conference and Training
2016 – Designing Homes for Clients with Disabilities (Design for Independence)
2015 - Management of Physical Disability 24-7 (Oxford Centre for Reablement)
2012 – Cerebral Palsy Training including: Neurodevelopmental Principles and Techniques, Feeding for the Child with CP, Sensation and Perception for the child with CP, Play for the child with CP, Hand Function and the child with CP
2011 - Advanced Clinical Decision Making and Effective Clinical Reasoning (Kate Malcomess Consultancy)
2011 - Outcome Measure Training (LCFT)
2009 - An Introduction to Major Adaptation (Harrison Training)
2008 - Paediatric Splinting (Somek Training)